What is RBA - Things about ReBuildable Atomizer you should know - RDA, RTA, and RDTA

What is RBA?

RBA as a hardcore DIY type of vape seems fading out from the view of sub ohm vapers since more convenient and easier DTL mod vape kits surging into the vape market. However, to know how to build a perfect RBA vape is the way to chase the big cloudy vapour and maximumly layered flavours.

RBA is the acronym of Re-Buildable Atomizer, as mentioned above, it is a sort of DIY type of vape with a deck for user-installed coils and wicks which means only seldom advanced vapers would use this kind of vape. And an RBA is an atomizer that allows users to access the deck so they can create their own coils and add their own wick to make specific resistances instead of relying on pre-made coils.

What’s more, RBA is often used with powerful mod vapes to create a beastly big fluffy cloud, warmer vapour, and more detailed flavour. And it is important to know that RDA, RTA, and RDTA are different types of RBAs, they can be technically called RBA vape. The term RBA is nowadays used almost exclusively for removable decks for vape tanks, and “re-buildable atomizers” has become a common term for the wider classification. In the following text, we will dissect the RDA, RTA, and RDTA accordingly and point out the difference among them.

What is an RDA?


RDA is abbreviated from Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer, RDA is a type of RBA that requires the user to manually add juice by dripping it onto the coils and wicks, instead of being fed from an e-liquid tank. There is a shallow well on the bottom of the deck for storing e-liquid, and wick is placed on the well for being soaked with the e-liquid. Generally speaking, an RDA stores much less e-liquid than an RTA because there is a tank for holding e-liquid in an RTA. Therefore, you will have to feed the coil and wick with e-liquid more often to prevent them from dry burn. Nevertheless, the good news for an RDA is that you can switch to different flavours of e-liquids easier than any other RBAs, you do not have to empty or clean a tank, simply dripping your e-liquid on the coil and wick would bring you a different flavour.


It is convenient for users to switch to different flavours of e-liquids easier;


You should constantly feed the wicks with e-liquid because it consumes e-liquids so fast with high power vape devices;

What is an RTA?


RTA is also known as rebuildable tank atomizer, it is just like any other tank you'd normally use such as the Dovpo Blotto Mini RTA, RTA keeps much the same features as an RDA, while it is equipped with a tank to hold more vape juice.

The difference between an RTA and an RDA is simply the tank surrounding the deck posts, there is no need to manually drip e-liquid onto the wicks for an RTA. An RTA is effectively a tank where you build your own coils. According to the TPD Compliance in the UK vape market, an RTA can hold maximumly 2ml e-liquid.


With a 2ml capacity tank, you can enjoy a longer sub ohm vaping experience without fussy refilling;


It is more complex for users to switch to another flavour of e-liquid for you’ll have to empty and clean the tank before refilling it;

What is an RTDA?


RTDA is the acronym of rebuildable tank dripping atomizer, as the name implies, it is the combination of RDA and RTA, the deck of an RDTA is designed like an RDA and the performance is similar, but the tank section under the deck can feed juice to the build without constantly dripping. Therefore the appearance of RTDA offers a more flexible vaping style for users: you can feed the wicks by dripping e-liquid, or store the e-liquid in the tank for a longer time use.


You can choose a dripping vaping like an RDA or store the e-liquid in the tank like an RTA;


It is more complicated to operate especially for novice vapers;

Differences among RDA, RTA, and RDTA

Type Tank Included Use a Squonk mod How to add e-liquid




Manually drip




Fill tank




Manually drip/Fill tank

Final thoughts

RBA vape is the efficient way to achieve the ultimate DTL vaping experience, if you want to get an impressive vaping experience with big fluffy cloud, warm inhale sensation, and more detailed flavour, you should make good use of RBAs. It’s worth noting that both RDA and RDTA support a squonk mod which would bring a lot of convenience for dripping vaping, simply squonk the device and the vape juice would be squeezed onto the coil and absorbed by the wicks. Squonking has turned out to be the best pairing with RDAs. Hence if you want a more flexible and customizable vape device, RBAs are worth trying!

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